tags: netsec, ctf, csaw, 2012
- What is the first step of owning a target? recon
- What is the name of the Google's dynamic malware analysis tool for Android applications? bouncer
- What is the x86 opcode for and al, 0x24? Put your answer in the form 0xFFFF. 0x2424
$ echo 'and al, 0x24' >a.asm && nasm a.asm && ndisasm a && rm -f a.asm
00000000 2424 and al,0x24
Who was the first security researcher to publish the DEP bypass that utilized WriteProcessMemory()? Spencer Pratt
What is the name of Microsoft's sophisticated distributed fuzzing system that utilizes automated debugging, taint analysis, model building, and constaint solving? SAGE
- Jordan Wiens
- one of the judges for the CTF
- given Google Search link
- and fmt:key =
- found his Twitter & LinkedIn accts =>
- check sites where this alias is taken: NameChk
- nothing much here, so Google for alias instead
- result:psifertex.com, containing the string 'Nothing to see here, move along.'
- http://cty.psifertex.com contains HTML comment string '
<!-- The CSAW key is not on this domain. -->
- http://psifertex.com/csaw looks like:
- the first characters of each word in the string "[S]ome [U]nderstanding [B]ecomes [D]ominant [O]n [M]anipulation [A]nd [I]nquisitive Naming" gives us SUBDOMAIN.
- bruteforce subdomains using:
python subbrute.py psifertex.com
- tool performs multithreaded DNS lookups to a configurable list of DNS resolvers
- via a list of possible subdomains
Checking psifertex.com calendar.psifertex.com docs.psifertex.com ftp.psifertex.com key.psifertex.com ssh.psifertex.com start.psifertex.com www.psifertex.com
key{secret sonambulist
$ jhead jjarmoc.jpg
File name : jjarmoc.jpg
File size : 22516 bytes
File date : 2012:09:29 02:57:00
Resolution : 213 x 284
Comment : finger://jjarmoc@finger.offenseindepth.com:79
from his Twitter page, he links offenseindepth.com as his homepage
bruteforce subdomains using: python subbrute.py offenseindepth.com
Checking offenseindepth.com finger.offenseindepth.com imap.offenseindepth.com mail.offenseindepth.com www.offenseindepth.com
using subdomain name as a clue: finger jjarmoc@finger.offenseindepth.com
Debian GNU/Linux Copyright (C) 1993-1999 Software in the Public Interest
Username: jjarmoc In real life:
This is my .plan. There are many more like it, but this one is mine.
{key:does anyone still use finger?}
key{does anyone still use finger?
- Dan Guido
- What are Dan Guido's two favorite foods?
- also look at comments on Reddit
- key{
salami and cheese
- Yoda
- hangs out on IRC, so check there
- $
/whois yoda
yoda [~o@ISIS-B0CFAD3E.com]
ircname : key{hockey lock outs mean probably april}
channels : @#csaw
server : isis.poly.edu [ISIS IRC Server]
: is using a Secure Connection
idle : 0 days 0 hours 22 mins 1 secs [signon: Sat Sep 29 21:31:54 2012]
End of WHOIS
key{hockey lock outs mean probably april
--- FIN ---