2014 CSAW CTF Qual - Networking 100 - Big Data

  1. use tool:chaosreader to process file:pcap.pcapng produces:
  2. 	pcap.pcapng-chaosreader
    	├── getpost.html
    	├── httplog.text
    	├── image.html
    	├── index.html <= entry point to view results
    	├── index.text
    	├── session_0089.telnet.html
    	├── session_0089.telnet.replay
  3. search through all html output for flag
  4. for f in pcap.pcapng-chaosreader/*.html; do cat "${f}" | w3m -dump -T text/html "${f}"; done | egrep "flag{"
  5. flag{bigdataisaproblemnotasolution}